Event Category: Work-in-Progress talk

Kate Mondloch, History of Art and Architecture and Clark Honors College, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.   Immersive art experiences are becoming increasingly popular, even outside of museums. This essay suggests using installation art theory to understand how viewers engage with these multisensory environments. By examining the characteristics of installation art and the types […]

 David Wacks, Romance Languages, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.  In this project I study medieval translations, chronicles, legends, and plays based on the Hebrew Bible from the Iberian Peninsula’s three religious traditions. I show how Muslim, Jewish, and Christian authors draw on shared languages and traditions, stage the religious polemics of the day, and […]

 Ryan Tucker Jones, History, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.    This interdisciplinary global history integrates the newest, exciting advances in whale science to reinterpret the last 500 years of human-cetacean relations. In the past decades, satellite tagging, drone footage, DNA analysis, and long-term behavioral studies have revealed whale lives in unprecedented detail. The newest […]

Ocean Howell, History and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.   “Mapping Power” is a public facing website that enables users to explore historic maps of Portland, Oregon.  Photographs and architectural renderings allow users to see the city as it is, as it was, but also as it might have been. A series of essays show […]

Brooke Burns, PhD candidate, Philosophy and 2024–25 OHC Dissertation Fellow.   My dissertation clarifies how dignity, as an ethical principle, has historically animated anti-cruelty reform movements in prisons and zoos. To do so, I deploy a politically realist genealogy, which is a historical-philosophical method based on the premise that ethical principles are more likely to […]