Humanities faculty awarded 2019–20 research grants

Melissa GraboyesMelissa Graboyes, Clark Honors College, and 2018–19 OHC Faculty Research Fellow, NSF CAREER award ($411,171) for “Vernacular Knowledge, Expertise, and Ethics: A Case Study of Malaria Elimination in Zanzibar, 1900–2018.”  


Luke Habberstad

Luke Habberstad, East Asian Languages and Literatures, 2017–18 OHC Teaching Fellow, and 2015-16 OHC Faculty Research Fellow, ACLS grant ($50,000) for “Water Control and Political Culture in Early Imperial China.”



Nathalie HesterNathalie Hester, Romance Languages, and 2018–19 OHC Faculty Research Fellow, NEH grant ($60,000) for “Inventing America in Baroque Italy: Columbus, Vespucci, and New World Epic.” 



Leslie AlexanderFaith BarterHeidi Kaufman

Leslie Alexander, History, and 2018–19 OHC Faculty Research Fellow; Faith Barter, English; and Heidi Kaufman, English, and 2015–16 OHC Coleman-Guitteau Teaching Fellow, won a VP for Research and Innovation’s 2019 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) award ($50,000) for “Rebellions in the African Diaspora,” a digital humanities project that studies patterns in the representation of slave insurgency. Drawing from library databases, the project will use metadata and data visualizations to study the patterns of discourse of Black rebellions; how rebellion writing moved across boundaries and places in 19th-century print culture throughout the Atlantic world; and the means by which Black rebellions demanded equality by drawing from global literary, political, religious, and legal culture. 

Thien Nguyen and Thanh Nguyen, Computer and Information Science, round out the project’s team. The I3 grant offers critical seed funding for collaborative projects that show promise for securing external funding.