Events / Anti-Nuclear Research and Activism in the US and Japan Film and Speaker Series  
film poster

Anti-Nuclear Research and Activism in the US and Japan Film and Speaker Series  

February 5, 2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

123 Pacific Hall, 1025 University St., Eugene, OR 97403

Film: SOS–The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power’s Legacy (2023, 97 min.).

The film chronicles how Southern California residents came together to force the shutdown of an aging, leaking nuclear power plant only to be confronted by an alarming reality—tons of nuclear waste left near a popular beach, only 100 feet from the rising sea. The solution for the waste, to ship it to a storage site on Indigenous land in the Southwest, causes the residents to rethink the decision to export their toxic waste. The film’s producer/directors Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle will engage in discussion following the screening along with director Morgan Peterson who will participate via Zoom.

Sponsor: East Asian Languages and Literatures,