Work-in-Progress and Books-in-Print talks

a woman presenting to a room full of peopleAll talks take place at 12 p.m. in 159 PLC.

Spring 2025 talks

April 11
“Engaging Art: Immersive Art Environments and Art Spectatorship.” Kate Mondloch, History of Art and Architecture and Clark Honors College, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Register.   

April 18
“People of the Book: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim retellings of the Hebrew Bible in Medieval Iberia.” David Wacks, Romance Languages, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Register.  

May 2
“Sperm Whales and Polynesians: The Diasporic Worlds of Hawaiian Whaler John Bull and His Prey.” Ryan Tucker Jones, History, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Register. 

May 23
Double Crossover: Gender, Media, and Politics in Global Basketball. Courtney M. Cox, Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies. Register.

May 30
“Mapping Power: An Open History of Portland, Oregon.” Ocean Howell, History and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Register.

June 6
“Dignity for Realists: A Genealogy of an Ethical Concept.” Brooke Burns, PhD candidate, Philosophy and 2024–25 OHC Dissertation Fellow. Register.

Winter 2025 talks

January 17
“Across the Tuyuhun-Tubo Kingdom: Material Culture from Dunhuang to Sichuan between the Sixth and Ninth Century.” Chiara Gasparini, History of Art and Architecture, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

January 31
“Superability and the Renaissance Human.” Vera Keller, History, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

February 14
To break circles of oppression: cinema and communities in Freda (2021, Haiti) by Gessica Généus and Bootlegger (2021, Anishinaabe, Québec) by Caroline Monnet.” Sarah Agou, PhD candidate, Global Studies and Languages, and 2024–25 OHC Dissertation Fellow.

February 21
“Common and Contested Ground: Chinese and Japanese American Youth Culture in the Pacific Northwest.” Olivia Wing, PhD candidate, History, and 2024–25 OHC Dissertation Fellow. 

March 7
“‘Change in the Winds’: Native American Self-Determination and Human Rights During the Carter Administration, 1975–1980.” Jennifer O’Neal, Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies, and 2024–25 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

Fall 2024 talk recordings

October 18
“A Nation of Instruments: How Nine Sounds Shaped America.” Zachary Wallmark, Musicology, and 2024–25 Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

November 15
De Anima: L. S. Senghor’s Force Ontology and Animism.” Beata Stawarska, Philosophy, and 2024–25 Ernest G. Moll Research Fellow in Literary Studies. Listen 

December 6
“Racing the Subempire: Race, Developmentalism, and Global Modernity and South Korean Culture.” Susanna Lim, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Program and East Asian Languages and Literatures; and 2024–25 Ernest G. Moll Research Fellow in Literary Studies. Listen

Spring 2024 talk recordings

April 5
“Muhammad and the Beginnings of Islam: A Critical History.” Stephen J. Shoemaker, Religious Studies, and 2023–24 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

May 3
“Draw for Your Lives: Comics Journalism and Human Rights.” Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, Comics and Cartoon Studies, and 2023–24 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

May 17
“From “People-First” to Precarious Labor: A History of Antiunionism at FedEx, 1971–2000.” Moeko Yamazaki, PhD candidate, History, and 2023–24 OHC Dissertation Fellow. Listen

Winter 2024 talk recordings

February 9
Strong Winds and Widow Makers: Workers, Nature, and Environmental Conflict in Pacific Northwest Timber Country. Steven Beda, History and 2020–21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

February 16
Castoffs of Capital: Work and Love among Garment Workers in Bangladesh (2022). Lamia Karim, Anthropology and 2018–19 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

February 23
Eight Dogs Part Three.” Glynne Walley, East Asian Languages and Literatures and 2023–24 OHC Ernest G. Moll Research Fellow in Literary Studies. Listen

March 1
“Spanish in the linguistic landscape of Eugene, Oregon.” Devin Keith Grammon, Romance Languages and 2023–24 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

March 8
“Innovation in SHL Language Program Administration: Development and Outcomes of a Latinx ambassador Program.” Sergio Loza, Romance Languages, Director of the Spanish Heritage Language Program, and 2023–24 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

Fall 2023 talk recordings

October 6
“Writing the Rupture: Representations of Invisible Disabilities in Contemporary US American Poetry.” Raye Hendrix, PhD candidate, English, and 2023–24 Dissertation Fellow. Listen

October 13
“Klan Mouse: The Birth of a Nation Redux and White Cultural Nationalism in the 1920s Pacific Northwest.” Michael Aronson, Cinema Studies, and 2023–24 Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

October 20
“Sensing Toxicity: Art, Environmental Justice and Contaminated Geographies, 1980s–present.”  Joseph Michael Sussi, PhD candidate, History of Art and Architecture, and 2023–24 Dissertation Fellow. Listen

Spring 2023 talk recordings

April 28
“Monumental Denial: U.S. Cultural Memory and White Innocence.” Laura Pulido, Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies and Geography; and 2022–23 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

May 19
“Daughters of the Moon: Longing and Memory in Mexico’s Lacandon Rainforest.” Analisa Taylor, Romance Languages, and  2022–23 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

May 26
“Sound Effects in Storytelling: Ideophones in Werikyana and Other Cariban Languages.” Spike Gildea, Linguistics, and 2022–23 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Watch

Winter 2023 talk recordings

January 13
In the Hands of God: How Evangelical Belonging Transforms Migrant Experience in the United States (Princeton University Press, 2022). Johanna Bard Richlin, Anthropology and 2020–21 Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

January 27
How Comics Travel: Publication, Translation, Radical Literacies (The Ohio State University Press, 2022). Kate Kelp-Stebbins, Comics Studies. Listen

February 24
“Memories of Betrayal and Betrayal of Memory: Narratives of Defeat in Chile and Argentina.” Yosa Vidal Collados, PhD candidate, Romance Languages and 2022–23 OHC Dissertation Fellow. Listen

March 17
“Historicizing Social Egg Freezing: Eugenics, Feminism, and the Commodification of Motherhood.” Priscilla Yamin, Political Science and 2022–23 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen


Fall 2022 talk recording

October 21
“Race, Recreation, and Storytelling in the Outdoor Diversity Movement.” 
Sarah Wald, Environmental Studies and English, and 2022–23 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

Spring 2022 talk recordings

April 8
The Sound of Exclusion: NPR and the Latinx Public. Christopher Chávez, Journalism. Watch

April 22
“Allies, Not Subjects: American Indian Responses to American Republicanism, 1776–1934.” Burke Hendrix, Political Science, and 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

May 6
“Managing Life’s Future: Species Essentialism and Evolutionary Normativity in Conservation Policy, Practice, and Imaginaries.” Katrina Maggiulli, PhD candidate, Environmental Studies, and 2021–22 OHC Dissertation Fellow. Listen

May 13
“Voicing Form in Rock and Pop, 1991–2020.” Drew Nobile, Music Theory, and 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

May 20
“Collective: How Lesbian Feminists Reimagined Society.” Annelise Heinz, History, and 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Listen

Winter 2022 talk recordings

January 7
Stories that Make History: Mexico through Elena Poniatowska’s Crónicas (Duke University Press, 2021) | Watch
Lynn Stephen, Anthropology, OHC/CAS subvention recipient, and 2015-16 OHC Faculty Research Fellow

February 11
Middle Eastern American Theatre: A Polycultural Mosaic | Watch
Michael Najjar, Theatre Arts, OHC/CAS subvention recipient, and 2019-20 OHC Faculty Research Fellow 

February 18
The Politics of Rights of Nature Strategies for Building a More Sustainable Future (MIT Press, 2021) | Watch
Craig Kauffman, Political Science, OHC/CAS subvention recipient 

March 11 
“Reorienting the Utopian Island: Tropes, Toponymy, and Transgression in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Caribbean and Indian Ocean Fictions” | Watch
Sheela Bora Hadjivassiliou, PhD candidate, Romance Languages, and 2021-22 OHC Dissertation Fellow 

Fall 2021 talk recordings

October 15
Japan on American TV: Screaming Samurai Join Anime Clubs in the Land of the Lost (Columbia University Press, 2021). | Watch
Alisa Freedman, Asian Studies, and 2019–20 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

October 29
“Re-evaluating Justice Behind Bars.” | Watch
Kristen Bell, Law, and 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

November 12
“Bound Biographies: Transoceanic Itineraries and the Afro-Iberian Diaspora in the Early Modern World.” | Watch
Michelle McKinley, Law, and 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

November 19
“Living la Mala Vida: Transgressive Femininities, Morality, and Nationalism in Mexican California, 1800–1850.” | Watch
Yvette Saavedra, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow.

December 3
“Unsettled Ecologies: Alienated Species, Indigenous Restoration, and U.S. Empire in a Time of Climate Chaos.” | Watch
Lisa Fink, PhD candidate, Environmental Studies, and 2021–22 OHC Dissertation Fellow.

Spring 2021 talk recordings

April 16
“Cross-Border Hollywood: Excavating the Production of Catch-22 (1970) in Mexico”
Daniel Gómez Steinhart, Cinema Studies, and 2020-21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

April 23
Earth Matters on Stage: Ecology, Environment and American Theater
Theresa May, Theatre Arts, and 2017-18 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

April 30
“Strong Winds and Widow Makers: A History of Workers, Nature, and Environmental Conflict in Pacific Northwest Timber Country, 1900 to the Present”
Steven Beda, History, and 2020-21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow  | Watch now

May 7
Caspar David Friedrich: Nature and the Self
Nina Amstutz, History of Art and Architecture, and 2017-18 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

May 14
“Sacred Traces: Composers, Relics, and Art-Religion in Practice”
Abigail Fine, Musicology, and 2020-21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

May 21
“Cars, Trains, and Trolleys: Infrastructures of the Urban Space in the Andes (1900-1952)”
Javier Velasco, PhD candidate, Romance Languages, and 2020-21 OHC Dissertation Fellow | Watch now

May 28
“Civil War Prisons and the Problem of Confederate Memory”
Timothy J. Williams, Clark Honors College, and 2020-21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

June 4
“The Longest Resistance: Anti-Fascist Women between Franco and Hitler”
Gina Herrmann, Romance Languages, and 2020-21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow

Winter 2021 talk recordings

January 22
“Running the Redwood Empire: Indigeneity, Modernity, and a 480-mile Footrace
Tara Keegan, PhD candidate, History, and 2020-21 OHC Dissertation Fellow | Watch now

January 29
“Amplifying Voices: Auditory Texts in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945”
Jina Kim, East Asian Languages and Literatures, and 2020–21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

February 5
“Revolutionary Melodrama: Tales of Family, Kinship, and the Nation of Modern China”
Shuangting Xiong, PhD candidate, East Asian Languages and Literatures, and 2020-21 OHC Dissertation Fellow | Watch now

February 12
“The Soviet Afro-Asianists: Anti-Imperialism and the Soviet Intelligentsia”
Julie Hessler, History, 2020-21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

February 19
“The Formation of a Multicultural Mediterranean in Chateaubriand’s and Byron’s Works”
Fabienne Moore, Romance Languages, 2020–21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow | Watch now

Fall 2020 talk recordings

October 16
HandiLand: The Crippest Place on Earth.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Wheeler, English and Disability Studies | Watch now

November 6
Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation
Oluwakemi (Kemi) Balogun, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and African Studies | Watch now

November 13
“The End of Modernity: Temporalities of Nation, Indigeneity, and the Anthropocene in the Contemporary Independent Cinema of the Philippines”
Elio Garcia, PhD Candidate in English, and 2020-21 Oregon Humanities Center Dissertation Fellow | Watch now

Spring 2020 talk recordings

Only at Comic-Con: Hollywood, Fans, and the Limits of Exclusivity.
Erin Hanna, Cinema Studies  | Watch now

“Embodying Isis: Egyptian Religion and the Negotiation of Greekness”
Lindsey Mazurek, History  |  Watch now

“How Should a Communist Grieve?: Ba Jin’s Revolutionary Mourning”
Roy Chan, East Asian Languages and Literatures  |  Watch now

“Memory and Erasure of Settler Violence in Early Oregon, 1848–1928”
Marc Carpenter, PhD candidate, History  |  Watch now