Support programs strengthened for humanities faculty seeking external grants

The Oregon Humanities Center (OHC) and UO’s Research Development Services (RDS) are excited to strengthen our partnership to advance external grant seeking among UO’s humanities and humanistic social science researchers. The OHC and RDS have a productive history of collaboration to provide resources and training opportunities to these faculty in securing external funding. Prior activities have included an on-campus visit from a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Program Officer, direct communication and connections between RDS and OHC fellows to pursue external funding, and in-person and virtual trainings. 

Beginning in Winter 2023, we intend to significantly expand and institutionalize these efforts through the following new collaborations:

• Hosting 2–3 trainings targeting faculty in the humanities and humanistic social sciences that include: mock panel review and strategies for identifying and applying for external funding opportunities. 

• Hosting a virtual NEH Program Officer visit.

• Piloting a cohort training model for faculty developing American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) or NEH fellowship proposals, with OHC leadership and former fellows serving as subject matter experts and RDS facilitating.

• Collaborating to advance the nomination of UO humanities researchers for distinguished external research awards and honors.

• Strengthening UO’s advocacy for the humanities at the federal level in collaboration with UO’s Office of Federal Affairs and the National Humanities Alliance.

With support from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and the Office of the Vice President for Research an Innovation (OVPRI), RDS and OHC will administer an integrated review process for draft grant proposals for humanities and humanistic social science researchers. 

Information about external review for proposals and the support RDS provides for faculty in the humanities and humanistic social sciences

Information on the full array of support RDS provides

Questions regarding the expanded partnership between OHC and RDS to advance external grant seeking among UO’s humanities and humanistic social science researchers? Contact: Jena Turner (, Associate Director, OHC or Kate Petcosky-Kulkarni (, Director of Strategic Research Initiatives and RDS.