David Wacks’s (Romance Languages) 2007 monograph Framing Iberia: Maqāmāt and Frametale Narratives in Medieval Iberia is now available in open access: https://brill.com/display/title/13558
Books published with OHC support (2023–24)
Michael Aronson, associate professor, Cinema Studies. John Hamrick’s Blue Mouse Cinemas: Independent Exhibition and Influence in the Studio Era, University of Exeter Press, 2024. 2023–24 Faculty Research Fellow.
Brent Dawson, assistant professor, English. The Equality of the Flesh: Materialism and Human Commonality in Early Modern Culture, Cornell University Press, 2024. 2019–20 Faculty Research Fellow.
Matthew Dennis, emerit, History and Environmental Studies. American Relics and the Politics of Public Memory, University of Massachusetts Press, 2023. (OHC/CAS subvention)
David M. Luebke, professor, History. The Empire’s Reformations: Politics and Religion in Germany, 1495–1648, Bloomsbury, 2024. 2019–20 Faculty Research Fellow.
Katelyn N. McDonough, ed. (with Richard L. Rosencrance and Jordan E. Pratt), assistant professor, Anthropology. Current Perspective on Stemmed and Fluted Technologies in the American Far West, University of Utah Press, 2024 (OHC/CAS subvention)
Ari Purnama, assistant professor, Cinema Studies. Film Style in Indonesian Cinema, 1998–2018: Lighting, Production Design and Camera Movement, Edinburgh University Press, 2023. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Eleonora Redaelli, ed., professor, Planning, Public Policy and Management. Visiting the Art Museum: A Journey Toward Participation. Palgrave MacMillan, 2023. (OHC subvention)
Helen Southworth, ed. (with Nicola Wilson, Claire Battershill, Sophie Heywood, Marrisa Joseph, Daniela La Penna, Alice Staveley, and Elizabeth Willson Gordon), professor, English. The Edinburgh Companion to Women in Publishing, 1900–2020, Edinburgh University Press, 2024. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Kristin E. Yarris, ed. (with Whitney L. Duncan) associate professor, Global Studies. Accompaniment with Im/migrant Communities: Engaged Ethnography. University of Arizona Press, 2024. 2018–19 Faculty Research Fellow. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Books published with OHC support (2022–23)
Steven Beda, History, 2020–21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Strong Winds and Widow Makers: Workers, Nature, and Environmental Conflict in Pacific Northwest Timber Country. University of Illinois Press, 2023.
María Fernanda Escallón, Anthropology, 2019–20 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Becoming Heritage: Recognition, Exclusion, and The Politics of Black Cultural Heritage in Colombia. Cambridge University Press, 2023. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Alisa Freedman, Asian Studies, 2019–20 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Introducing Japanese Popular Culture. Routledge, 2023 (2nd edition)
Alisa Freedman, Asian Studies, 2019–20 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. Women in Japanese Studies: Memoirs from a Trailblazing Generation. Columbia University Press, 2023.
Vera Keller, History, 2018–19 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. The Interlopers: Early Stuart Projects and the Undisciplining of Knowledge. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023.
Jeff Schroeder, Religious Studies, 2018–19 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. The Revolution of Buddhist Modernism: Jōdo Shin Thought and Politics, 1890–1962. University of Hawaii Press, 2022.
Yvette Saavedra, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2021–22 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. “Speaking for Themselves: Rancheras and Respectability in Mexican California, 1800–1850.” California History, Spring 2023; and “Of Chicana Lesbian Terrorists and Lesberadas: Recuperating the Lesbian/Queer Roots of Chicana Feminism, 1970–2000.” Feminist Formations, Summer 2022.
Jina Kim, East Asian Languages and Literatures, 2020–21 OHC Faculty Research Fellow. “Sonic Aesthetics and Social Disparity: The Voice of Villains in Ryoo Seung-wan’s Veteran (2015) and The Unjust (2010).” Asian Sound Cultures. ed. Iris Haukamp, Christin Hoene, and Martyn Smith. Routledge, 2022; and “Rewriting the City: Yi Sang, Architecture, and the Figure of the Department Store.” The Routledge Companion to Korean Literature. ed. Heekyoung Cho. Routledge, 2022.
Christopher Chavez, associate professor, Media Studies, Advertising, and Latinx Studies.The Sound of Exclusion: NPR and the Latinx Public. University of Arizona Press, 2021. (OHC subvention)
Stephen Dueppen, associate professor, Anthropology. Divine Consumption: Sacrifice, Alliance Building, and Making Ancestors in West Africa. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2022. 2015–16 Faculty Research Fellow. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Diana Garvin, assistant professor, Italian and Mediterranean Studies. Feeding Fascism: The Politics of Women’s Food Work. University of Toronto Press, 2022. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Nathalie Hester (translator and editor), associate professor, Italian and French. Letters from Spain: A Seventeenth-Century French Noblewoman at the Spanish Royal Court. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series, Iter Press, 2021. 2018–19 Faculty Research Fellow (different project). (OHC/CAS subvention)
Ryan Tucker Jones, associate professor, History. Red Leviathan: The Secret History of Soviet Whaling. Chicago University Press, 2022. 2020–21 Teaching Fellow.
Craig Kaufman (with Pamela L. Martin), associate professor, Political Science. The Politics of Rights of Nature: Stategies for Building a More Sustainable Future. MIT Press, 2021. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Anne Kreps, assistant professor, Religious Studies. The Crucified Book: Sacred Writing in the Age of Valentinus. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022. 2017–18 Faculty Research Fellow. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Johanna Bard Richlin, assistant professor, Anthropology. In the Hands of God: How Evangelical Belonging Transforms Migrant Experience in the United States. Princeton University Press, 2022. 2020–21 Faculty Research Fellow.
Kate Kelp-Stebbins, assistant professor, Comics Studies. How Comics Travel: Publication, Translation, Radical Literacies. The Ohio State University Press, 2022. (OHC/CAS subvention)
Tze-Yin Teo, assistant professor, Comparative Literature. If Babel Had a Form: Translating Equivalence in the Twentieth-Century. Fordham University Press, 2022. 2018–19 Faculty Research Fellow.
AY 2020–21
Nina Amstutz, Associate Professor, History of Art and Architecture, 2017-18 Faculty Research Fellow Das Bild der Natur in der Romantik. Kunst als Philosophie und Wissenschaft, Brill/Wilhelm Fink, 2021 (with Anne Bohnenkamp-Renken, Mareike Hennig, and Gregor Wedekind) (OHC subvention)
Mattie Burkert, Assistant Professor, English and Digital Humanities Speculative Enterprise: Public Theaters and Financial Markets in London, 1688-1763, University of Virginia Press, 2021 (OHC/CAS Subvention)
Kenneth Calhoon, Comparative Literature. The Long Century’s Long Shadow: Weimar Cinema and the Romantic Modern, University of Toronto Press, 2019 (OHC/CAS Subvention)
Alisa Freedman, Professor, East Asian Languages and Literatures, 2019-20 Faculty Research Fellow Japan on American TV: Screaming Samurai Join Anime Clubs in the Land of the Lost, Columbia University Press, 2021
Bryna Goodman, Professor, History, 2017-18 Faculty Research Fellow The Suicide of Miss Xi: Democracy and Disenchantment in the Chinese Republic, Harvard University Press, 2021 (OHC/CAS Subvention)
Michael Malek Najjar, Associate Professor, Theatre Arts, 2019-20 Faculty Research Fellow Middle Eastern American Theatre: Communities, Cultures and Artists, Bloomsbury, 2021
Michael Malek Najjar, Associate Professor, Theatre Arts, 2019-20 Faculty Research Fellow Heather Raffo’s Iraq Plays: The Things That Can’t Be Said, Bloomsbury, 2021 (with Heather Raffo)
Sergio Rigoletto, Associate Professor, Cinema Studies and Italian, 2017-18 Faculty Research Fellow Le norme traviate: Saggi sul genere e sulla sessualità nel cinema e nella televisione italiana, Meltemi, 2020
Stephen Rodgers, Professor, Music Theory, 2019-20 Faculty Research Fellow The Songs of Fanny Hensel, Oxford University Press, 2021
Stephen J. Shoemaker, Professor, Religious Studies, 2009-10 Faculty Research Fellow A prophet has appeared: the rise of Islam through Christian and Jewish eyes: a sourcebook, University of California Press. 2021
Carol Silverman, Professor, Anthropology, 2016-17 Faculty Research Fellow Ivo Papasov Balkanology, Bloomsbury, Global 33 1/3 Series, 2021
Lynn Stephen, Professor, Anthropology, 2015-16 Faculty Research Fellow Stories that Make History: Remembering Mexico through Elena Poniatowska’s Crónicas, Duke University Press, 2021
Lynn Stephen, Professor, Anthropology, 2015-16 Faculty Research Fellow Indigenous Women and Violence: Feminist Activist Research in Heightened States of Injustice, University of Arizona Press, 2021 (with Shannon Speed, UCLA)
Yeling Tan, Assistant Professor, Political Science Disaggregating China, Inc: State Strategies in the Liberal Economic Order, Cornell University Press, 2021 (OHC/CAS Subvention)
Recent books by formerDissertation Fellows
Nicolino Applauso (Romance Languages PhD, 2010) 2009-10 Dissertation Fellow; Visiting Assistant Professor, Modern Languages, Loyola University Maryland Dante Satiro: Satire in Dante Alighieri’s “Comedy” and Other Works, Lexington Books, 2020 (with Fabian Alfie)
Russell J. Duvernoy (Philosophy PhD, 2017), 2016-17 Dissertation Fellow; Assistant Professor, Philosophy, King’s University College at Western University of Ontario Affect and Attention After Deleuze and Whitehead: Ecological Attunement, Edinburgh University Press, 2020