Many thanks to our supporters

It is largely due to the generous support of our friends and donors that the OHC is able to offer free public programs, UO Today, faculty and graduate fellowships, and undergraduate research opportunities. We invite you to learn more about OHC giving opportunities by visiting or calling 541-346-1001. We would like to thank the following individuals and foundations for their support during the 2023–24 fiscal year (July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024):


Dana Abel

Hervey Allen

Barbara Altmann

Michael and Keri Aronson

Mark S. Baker

Bryce Barker

Patti Barkin

Constance Berglund

Jim Earl and Louise Bishop

Liz Bohls

Rick Bolton

James Grimm and Jocelyn Bonner

Jay and Teresa Bowerman

Kirby Brown

Kevin and Patricia Callaghan

Trena Cleland

Isabella Corbin

John Crosiar

Brent Dawson

Rose Downey

Sharon Duncan 

JoAnn and Dennis Durfee

Greg Edblom

Caitlin Elwood

Larissa Ennis

Christine Everts

Phyllis Fisher

Rebecca and David Force

James Fritsch

Beate Galda

Ted Gates

Stephanie Midkiff and Gary Griffin

Elizabeth Hall

Alex and Amy Haugland

Ellen Herman

Craig Weicker and Nathalie Hester 

Marty Ireland

Timothy and Barbara Jenkins

Margaret Johnson

Edward Kame’enui

Mackenzie Karp

Rita Kiley

C. Anne Laskaya

William Leahy, Jr.

Hue-Ping Lin

Ruthann Maguire

Elizabeth Mayer

Stephen J. Mccorkle*

Michelle McKinley

Marcy Hammock and 

Herbert Merker 

Lee and Mary Jean Michels

Leah Middlebrook

Stephanie Midkiff

Rebecca Mikesell

Jon and Hahn Neimand

Karen Nishimura

Jeffrey Ostler

Jill Overley

Libby Wadsworth and Paul Peppis

Barbara Perry

Scott Pratt

James and Connie Regali

Mark and Susan Rochester

Margaret Zuber Savoian

Emily Scott

Kristen Seaman

Karen Seidel

Steve and Marsha Shankman

Ken and Kenda Singer 

John and Catherine Smith

Lynn Stephen

Donald and Linda Strand

John Stuhr

Jeremy Swartz

Ellen B. Thomas

Steve Kuzma and Anne Turner

Thomas Vishanoff

Jack and Susy Wadsworth

Eleanor Wakefield

James and Barbara Walker

John Weber

Susan Whitney Kurtz

Keli Yerian

Crow Farm Foundation

TJ Education Fund of the Oregon 

    Community Foundation

*in memory of former OHC Board of Visitors member Ken Kodama, who passed away in 2022.