
What does the OHC do? Supports: faculty research projects, PhD dissertation research and completion, Humanities Undergraduate Research Fellowships, Research Interest Groups, cultural events, publications, development of new courses; and Presents: free public lectures, faculty and graduate student talks, Books-in-Print talks, UO Today interviews, newsletter and cultural calendar, videos and podcasts.

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The OHC is the primary interdisciplinary umbrella organization for the humanities at the University of Oregon (UO). The humanities are highly relevant and necessary for understanding and solving the challenges facing today’s world. The term “humanities” can be applied to work in nearly any academic discipline that seeks to better understand and enrich the human experience.

The OHC advances the university’s research, teaching, and public engagement mission through:

  • supporting and disseminating cutting-edge faculty and student research,
  • aiding faculty and graduate students to publish their books and articles,
  • developing new courses that are piloted and adopted into the classroom curriculum, and
  • providing educational humanities programming that is free and open to the public.

When you give to the OHC, you are:

  • providing faculty and students with the resources to conduct their research, write articles, books, and dissertations, and to present their findings at academic conferences and to the public;
  • creating opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty from the UO and other universities and colleges to tap into the OHC’s intellectual community and create new collaborations;
  • building a culture among faculty to bring fresh ideas and research to their classrooms;
  • supporting innovative programming and lectureships; and
  • expanding the university’s positive impact beyond campus and out into the community.

Shape the future of the humanities by making your gift today.

Double your cultural support
When you donate to the OHC and make a matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust you can claim your entire Trust contribution as a tax credit, reducing your Oregon tax bill. When searching for the OHC on the Oregon Cultural Trust’s website, filter the list by “Lane” county.

give now

Give securely online or send your check to:
Oregon Humanities Center
5211 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5211

Other funding opportunities

The OHC has bold ideas for the future of the humanities. We hope to expand our research fellowships, allowing more faculty and students to delve into new areas of research, advancing the humanities at the University of Oregon and beyond. Learn more about our ideas in this list of funding initiatives.

For more information contact Jena Turner, or (541) 346-1001.