2021–22 OHC Faculty Fellows have been selected
Research Fellows
Martha Bayless, English, “The Forgotten Queen: An Early Narrative of the Powerful Woman.” Ernest G. Moll Research Fellowship in Literary Studies.
Kristen Bell, Law, “Philosophy of Punishment Behind Bars.”
Annelise Heinz, History, “Collective: How Lesbian Feminists Reimagined Society.”
Burke Hendrix, Political Science, “Allies, Not Subjects: American Indian Responses to American Republicanism, 1776-1934.”
Sharon Luk, Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies, “Sea of Fire: A Buddhist Pedagogy of Dying and Black Encounters in Times of War.” Ernest G. Moll Research Fellowship in Literary Studies.
Michelle McKinley, Law, “Bound Biographies: Transoceanic Itineraries and the Afro-Iberian Diaspora in the Early Modern World.” Provost’s Senior Humanist Fellowship.
Drew Nobile, Music Theory, “Voicing Form in Rock and Pop, 1991-2020.”
Yvette Saavedra, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, “Living la Mala Vida: Transgressive Femininities, Morality, and Nationalism in Mexican California, 1800-1850.”
Emily Eliza Scott, Environmental Studies and History of Art and Architecture, “Particulate Matters: on Air, Art, and Justice.”
Analisa Taylor, Romance Languages, “Daughters of the Moon: Longing and Memory in Mexico’s Lacandon Rainforest.” Ernest G. Moll Research Fellowship in Literary Studies.
Arafaat Valiani, History, “Casting Health? The Politics of Genomic Science, Precision Medicine and Race in India and North America.”
Stephanie Clark, English, “A King Must Buy a Wife: Purchase, Ownership, and Personhood in Early Medieval England.”
Katherine Kelp-Stebbins, English, “How Comics Travel.”
Teaching Fellows
Roy Chan, East Asian Languages and Literature, and Lanie Millar, Romance Languages, SPAN/CHN 199 The Chinese in Latin America. Coleman-Guitteau Professorship in the Humanities.
Corinne Bayerl, Comparative Literature and Clark Honors College, COLT 211 African American Writers in France.
Kristen Seaman, History of Art and Architecture, ARH 321 Ancient Jewish Art and Architecture. Coleman-Guitteau Professorship in the Humanities.