FAQ: Faculty Research Fellowships
Can I submit an application in hard copy (print) or by email?
No, all applications must be submitted via the online application, which can be accessed here. The OHC has transitioned all application submissions to an online application and no longer accepts emailed or printed applications.
Can I apply for both a research fellowship and a teaching fellowship in the same year?
Yes, faculty can apply for both the Research and Teaching fellowships in the same year, assuming they meet the eligibility criteria for each fellowship. If awarded both fellowships, faculty can accept both.
If I have recently had an OHC Research or Teaching fellowship, how long must I wait before applying for a Research Fellowship?
If you are a prior recipient of an OHC Research Fellowship, you may not apply for another Research Fellowship until three years have elapsed. For example, if you had a Research Fellowship in 2022-23, the soonest you would be able to apply for another research fellowship is three years later in fall 2025 (for a fellowship during 2026-27). Teaching Fellowships do not affect Research Fellowships in any way. You can apply for a Research Fellowship as a current or recent Teaching Fellow, with no waiting period.
Can I submit a fellowship application while I am on sabbatical or other leave from the University?
Yes, as long as you will be a current UO employee during the fellowship year.
Who is eligible for the Provost’s Senior Humanist Fellowship?
Any full professor (or associate professor who has been in rank for a minimum of five full years at the time of application) who meets the requirements for an OHC Research Fellowship will be considered automatically for the Provost’s Senior Humanist Fellowship. No additional application is required, and applicants do not need to indicate that they would like to be considered. The fellowship review panel will consider all eligible applications for the Provost’s Senior Humanist Fellowship award.
Is the application deadline the same for everyone?
Yes. All applications are due on the date indicated on the fellowship application materials. All applications and departmental approvals must be received by the deadline. Applicants should submit their materials in advance so department heads (and deans, if outside of CAS) have time to send their approval message(s) before the deadline.
Who needs to approve my application? Do I need to get signatures?
All non-CAS faculty must obtain approval from both their department head and dean. CAS faculty need only obtain their department head(s) approval. No physical approval signature(s) will be needed. All approvals will be submitted electronically. Upon application, approvers will be contacted via email and will be prompted to review and approve applications via a link.
I’m not sure if my project is “humanistic.”
Please see the above definition of what is considered humanistic. If you have questions, contact OHC Associate Director Jena Turner.
What do I do if my dean/department head is inaccessible? Can I get an extension?
No late applications will be accepted, and extensions are not allowed. However, if your dean or department head is unavailable to approve your application by the deadline, we will accept the approval of an acting dean/department head who has been granted signature authority by your dean or department head.
Am I allowed to serve on committees or engage in other administrative duties during my OHC Research Fellowship term?
OHC Research fellowships provide one course release during the fellowship term with the goal of creating a term free from teaching. Ideally OHC fellows are also released from all or most administrative duties whenever possible during their fellowship term. However, the extent to which fellows are exempted from service or administrative duties during the fellowship term varies widely from department to department and sometimes from one year to the next. Fellows must come to an agreement with their department heads concerning their responsibilities during the fellowship term. OHC is not involved in this negotiation or decision.
Can I see a copy of a successful application from a previous year?
Please contact Melissa Gustafson to arrange to see examples of successful applications.
I’m required to give one public, off-campus presentation to a non-academic audience. Is there a list of suggested venues?
A list of off-campus venues can be found here. You are not restricted to the venues on this list, and we welcome ideas for alternate venues. You will be required to inform the OHC of your venue, date, and time in advance so we can help to publicize the event.
I don’t see my question here. Who should I contact?
Contact OHC Associate Director Jena Turner.