OHC Conference Room

OHC conference Room

OHC Conference Room reservations are for UO entities only.
Questions? contact Melissa Gustafson or Peg Gearhart.

The OHC Conference Room, 159 PLC Hall, is located at the southeast corner of PLC, closest to the library/quad. The door is at the end of the hall, near the stairs and building exit.  

OHC Conference Room Reservation

OHC Conference Room Reservation

Beginning time (include set up time, if needed)
Ending time (include clean up time, if needed)
Room configuration

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Guidelines for use  

  • OHC staff will unlock the room at the time you request.  
  • User will be responsible for any room setup.  
  • Use of the AV system for presentations requires the user to bring an HDMI adapter that is appropriate for their computer. The room has Wi-Fi, an Ethernet jack, and a power strip.   
  • At conclusion of the event, user will be responsible for returning the room to its pre-event condition. If refreshments have been served, please wipe down table(s) using the wipes on the side table. All trash should be put in the waste basket by the hallway door. 
  • If the event is to be catered, include adequate time for Catering delivery and cleanup in your start and end times. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure UO Catering picks up their equipment and cleans up. It is a good idea to pre-arrange this with Catering at catering@uoregon.edu or by calling 6-4303. Please do not leave the room until it has been cleaned up. 
  • Turn off the lights, close the windows, and pull the door shut behind you, making sure it latches.  
  • Room capacity: The room seats 12-14 people around the conference table, with additional seating along the walls for a total maximum capacity of 27. (With 27 in the room, it is very cozy and it can get stuffy and warm.) The room is equipped with a narrow side table suitable for serving coffee or other very light refreshments. If you plan on serving lunch, the maximum capacity for the room is 22, as some chairs will be removed to make space for a second narrow table (OHC has this on site). The conference room tables can also be removed upon request, allowing the room to be set to row seating with a capacity of 30. Please request room set up needs at the time of reservation in the above form and arrive 15 minutes early to set the room up.